
Array is a premium, safe and friendly Discord community for freelancers and small business owners. We’ve all got each other’s backs and help each other out as much as possible, while also sharing tips and resources with each other.

The community was founded by Andy Bell—a freelance designer—because when he first started out as a freelancer, he yearned so much for a community like Array to help him through the peaks and troughs of freelancing life. He’s also a big freelance advocate so created this community to support the people he encourages to go freelance.

With the enforced code of conduct, Andy aims to make Array a safe space for everyone.

Join Array for $5 per month


Why is Array a paid community?

Charging a small monthly membership fee means that the larger the group gets, the more funding there is to invest in moderation and keeping it a safe space.

Array aims to be a self-funded, democratic community and the small monthly fee goes a long way towards that.

Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Absolutely! Log into your Memberful account and cancel your subscription there. You will still have full access until your subscription expires. You can re-join the community whenever you like, too.

Why is it called Array?

I (Andy) have a habit of using puns to name things and an Array is a collection in programming languages.